Magneto Electric Skateboard Pre-ride Check List



What to check for before setting off on an electric Longboard ride.

The Magneto Electric Skateboard Pre-ride checklist.

OK guys, so this is something you should be doing most of the time before you plan a any sort of significant electric longboard ride.


Check Longboard and controller are fully charged, You’ll see 2 green lights on the controller, 1 indicates the remote is paired and status of battery in the remote, the 2nd indicates battery life in the Magneto Electric Skateboard.


Check operation, Turn the board on, pair the remote by holding A, now just lift he back wheels off the ground and accelerate using the remote. The wheels should spin, now brake using the remote by pushing down C. This just confirms the operation.


Do quick visual and run your skateboard tool around wheel nuts checking everything is how it should be. Do not over-tighten these.


Plan your journey. No electric skateboard, or pretty much any smaller motorised riding device likes rough and bumpy roads, so plan a nice clear, quiet tarmac route. This will extend your range and pro-long general longevity in the Magneto Electric Skateboard.


Weather! Always check the weather, common sense guys, who likes to ride in the rain anyway!


Safety, OK, I know you were expecting this and I know, you know! But here goes again.

The Magneto Electric Skateboard is a beast. People injure themselves on normal skateboards, please take extra pre-cautions in wearing safety gear.


Like anything mechanical failure and the un-expected is always possible. Try to ride with a plan to bail or fall safely back up at all times. Never put yourself in a situation where your life is 100% dependant on the brakes or the board performing perfectly. Even though the event of failure is extremely rare, why risk it?

Magneto Electric Skateboard

(Credit to Kilian for the images)

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